Meet the Baker πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ³ behind Cookies β€˜N Dream Desserts


Hi!! πŸ‘‹πŸ» Let me officially introduce myself!!

I’m Catie Vidal, baker, pilot wife, and mother behind Cookies 'N Dream Desserts.

I’m a Marine Corps Veteran and full time Medical Aesthetician/ Laser Technician turned baker living in Sunny South Florida. 🌞

Cookies N’ Dream Desserts is owned, founded, and operated by me, however I always refer to the business as a family business because the amount of work my husband especially and our four kids (yes, even my 4 year old!- she’s my favorite taste tester) has put into this business, is unspeakable. I am truly blessed to have the support I do from the people that matter the most to me!

I’m a 100% self taught baker, who has learned through TONS of trial and error, countless hours of late night bake-athons, and numerous dozens of bad batches of cookies (that my husband gladly volunteered β€œnot to waste.”)

My goal is to one day attend school for the Pastry Arts and to be baking full time…maybe even own an actual bakery of my very own instead of a home bakery. A girl can dream..πŸ’­Β 

If you are here reading this, thank you so much for choosing Cookies 'N Dream Desserts and for supporting my dream.Β